Our Missionary Partners in the Field
The Thomas Family
The Thomas Family serves overseas in Cambodia through the IMB. Prior to serving in Cambodia they served in China for 10 years. They have been our missions partners since 2014.
Cambodia is ripe for the harvest and Ryan & Joy will have the privilege of ministering to them through Biblical Counseling. Our church has been involved by sending care packages, short term teams, and regular Zoom meetings.
keep’ Mreal.
Kika and Dr.Anungla
Dallas / Fort Worth
Kika and Dr. Anungla are full time church planting missionaries working among unreached people who are legal refugees here in the United States. Through their church planting efforts, primarily in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, nine churches and thirty home fellowships have been established. They minister to refugees from fifteen countries.
During Christmas Nations Fellowship, refugees witness a live presentation of the message of Christmas, enjoy a nice meal, and receive a blanket as a gift. It’s been our blessing to have been involved in sending blankets.
Marcel & Nikki Suckau
Papua New Guinea
Nikki (Cogan) and Marcel Suckau have a heart to serve tribal peoples in Papua New Guinea. Nikki grew up at Parkway Place and went to Papua New Guinea in 2018 with Ethnos360 to serve the local people by church planting and Bible translation. She met Marcel, who is a German national, in Papua New Guinea where he was serving in the same area. They married in March 2020.
Currently, Nikki and Marcel are serving at Ethnos360’s training facility in Missouri while they wait for Marcel’s U.S. citizenship to be approved. They will return to Papua New Guinea to continue their work as church planters and Bible translators in the near future.
To keep up with Nikki and Marcel, you can request to follow them on social media or email them directly.

Studdard Family
Joel, Caroline, Sage & Iris left Parkway in June of 2022 to begin their journey to become missionaries to Japan. The first couple of years is spent learning the language and working with the missionary team in Japan.
You can follow them on Facebook: Stud Family in Japan
Parkway Place Missions
Mission Around the World
The Cooperative Program (CP) is Southern Baptists’ unified plan of giving through cooperating Southern Baptist churches.
When Arkansas Baptists give to their church, the church gives a considerable portion of that gift to missions through what is called the Cooperative Program (CP).
Those CP funds are invested in Arkansas missions, as well as national and global missions.
The Cooperative Program:
–helps fund missions in Arkansas, including Arkansas Baptists agencies, disaster relief, and church planting through Dixie Jackson Offering for Arkansas Missions
–helps fund U.S. and worldwide missions efforts through the North American Mission Board and International Mission Board through Annie Armstrong Easter Offering and Lottie Moon Christmas Offering.
–supports theological education through the SBC seminaries and promotes biblical values through the Ethics and Civil Liberties Commission.
Local Missions
Baptist Collegiate Ministry (BCM) is an example of a Arkansas mission supported by the Dixie Jackson Offering. It provides an opportunity for students to come to know Jesus, grow in their faith, connect to local churches in the area and serve God in different missional endeavors. They are set up around the state but here in Little Rock, we have Metro BCM which is located on UALR campus.
Through Metro BCM, God has brought global missions and laid it in our lap. Most of their students come from unreached gospel areas and have never heard of Jesus. The students reside in LR for several years, which allows Metro to build relationships and introduce the Good News — and then the students take it back to their homeland. Discipleship at its finest!
Contact info:
Adam Venters, Campus Minister
Metro Baptist Collegiate Ministry